Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu niti know which organ soul come out the body at the time of death

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu niti know which organ soul come out the body at the time of death

Garuda Purana Lord Vishnu Niti in Hindi: The life of all living beings is mortal. Whoever is born on earth, his death is also certain and this is a truth which no one can change. Garuda Purana is a scripture of Hindu religion, which is based on death and the conditions after death.

In Garuda Purana, Lord Vishnu explains in detail to his vehicle bird king Garuda, what sufferings a person has to suffer at the time of death and after death on the basis of his deeds. Regarding death, it has been said that after death only the body gets destroyed, not the soul. Because the soul is immortal. Shri Krishna has also said this.

That is why it is said that at the time of death the soul leaves the body. But do you know that when a person dies, from which part of the body does the soul come out? It is told in Garuda Purana that, according to the deeds of a person, the life of a person also comes out from different organs. Let us know about it in detail.

There are nine doors of the body

According to Garuda Purana, there are nine gates of the body and at the time of death the soul comes out of one of these nine gates of the body. These are nine gates – two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth and excretory organs.

Which part is auspicious or inauspicious?

  • It is believed that the people whose soul comes out of their eyes at the time of death are those who have more desire to live and are very attached to their family.
  • Those who spend their entire life only in earning money, their soul comes out at the time of death through the excretory organs i.e. feces and urine. This is also not considered auspicious.
  • Some people’s soul comes out through the nose. It is considered very auspicious. According to Garuda Purana, these people perform their duties in life with devotion.
  • The release of life from the mouth has also been described as auspicious in Garuda Purana. Those who follow the path of religion in life, their life comes out from the mouth.

read this also: Garuda Purana: How to escape from hell and ghost after death, solution will be found in Garuda Purana.

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